Friday, April 18, 2008


So did anyone else wake up at 4:35 this morning to the trembling and shaking of an Illinois earthquake? I believe we're affected by the New Madrid fault, so anyone know if it was just our area, or the whole south-midwest area?


Jake Lunde said...

Yup I got a call from my Girlfriend in Decatur IL about it and I have a store there that felt it as well, so yup looking like we had one, cant find the center of it yet on the news.

souulkeeper said...

Had one over here in Evansville, IN and my g/f in Mount Carmel, IL could feel it too, seems to be worse in Mt. Carmel, only lasted maybe a minute or so here in Evansville and nothing was falling off shelves, etc. but in Mt. Carmel seems the cops were even dispatched to make sure trains didn't derail.

journeyman electrician said...

Yes here in Peoria at 4:39 I felt movement for about 20 seconds.

Salima Hayek said...

Good - I'm not CRAZY? I was having my doubts :D. Anyone actually enjoy themselves to the degree that I had to write about? WIERD.

Big Macs, I'm glad I'm not the only compulsive blogger that makes a post right on the spur :D

Shennie said...

Heard it on the news this morning. Wondered if you folks were jolted out of bed.

We get them here in New England too; I haven't felt one in a while but New Hampshire rocks and rolls every once in a while.

Martha said...

The epicenter was in Mt. Carmel. We felt it here in Indiana, and our seismic station recorded it. We are deploying a contingent of geologists out to check out the site today. It was a magnitude 5.4. You can call Indiana University Geology Department for more information.