Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 8, 1950

I would like to thank everyone for ordering such a great day for my birthday. The weather was beautiful. It got up to almost 60 here in Massachusetts. I even left a couple windows here at the house open when I left for work so that I could get some good fresh air into this place.

I just got a phone call from my best friend in high school. It was SO good to talk to Sally. Isn't it amazing? We haven't seen each other in years, yet we chatted like we had just had lunch together the other day. I have known Sally for 45 years - but neither of us is that old. We had a bet a couple years ago when the New England Patriots played the Philadelphia Eagles for the Super Bowl ~ guess who won!!!!!!!! She still owed me a buck!

I also got a call from my dear friends Phil and Elaine and then my niece, my donor, my god-daughter. Again, we can chat for hours. I so wish we lived closer.

I got email cards from Sunshine, Susie, Puff, and Ellen. I got phone calls from Kathy, Elaine, Lisa, Nick, and Susie - tho' Susie's call was to tell me that they have the cabin adjoining mine for the cruise. Good ~ they get free appetizers and a butler to serve them. I can deal with that! Better out of their budget than mine!

Hope all is well overseas, Scoots. I do have a package for you that I keep forgetting to mail - it's in the back seat of my car and I remember it only when I get home and look at it. Hopefully I can remember it tomorrow and take it to the post office.

Hope all is well where you are. Do you need warm items? Hats? Scarves? Mittens? whatever? I'm on a knitting frenzy. Did Chelsey tell you about her shawl?

Time to make supper. I'm treating myself to steak and salad for my dinner tonight. Medium rare ~ thank you.

Love you lots ~ KYHD!


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