Saturday, November 24, 2007

Hey Everyone

Thanks to all for the birthday msgs. 5 years ago if you had told me I would be in Iraq for any of my birthdays, I would have told you to lay off the crack. But sure enough, here I am, 26 years old with a birthday that has come and gone. I know jennie and ben's package wasnt a b'day package technically, but it felt just the same with all the goodies (especially the twizzlers). Unfortunately, my team leader wouldnt go for the idea of letting me have time off since its just the 3 of us at our forward site and we had to conduct a 11hr mission. I was able to briefly talk to the re-enlistment counselor and she said that I could stop by her office tomorrow morning and discuss my re-enlistment options. I am optimistic about Campbell or Huachuca, but deploying again while in the military just doesnt seem like something I want to do. I figure if I can re-enlist for georgia with the stability option (meaning I cant deploy for at minimum 2 years then I could basically forego the next deployment in 2009/2010 and THEN go to huachuca or arizona. With new Army policy I have to be at a unit for 1 year's time before deploying so that I can go through all required BIT (Brigade Integration Training) and IRT (individual readiness training) prior to deployment. So basically I can re-enlist for 4 years, and not deploy the last 3 years of it. From there, I can PCS to Huachuca, get out of the Army, and start up my civilian job.

Anywho, things are going good here. I should be getting a CHU(Contained Housing Unit) within the next couple days since the unit we are replacing will be completely out of country by the 27th. Once that happens, I will see about getting that wireless internet and take it from there.

I am glad everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine wasnt too bad, except for waiting in line for an unusually long time (and being starving at the same time). I will try to get some pics up of my deployment to date by the time I have the wireless internet.

Well, its 0130 and I have been up since 0915 yesterday and had to fly and operate the camera for a combined 11hr day, so I am wiped. Goodnight everybody! Peace

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